Welcome & Read Me First

Read before you register and start posting

Moderators: George Wehrung, Admin

Site Admin
Posts: 4
Joined: Tue Nov 22, 2022 3:30 am
Location: San Antonio, TX

Welcome to LancairLive! We're really glad you stopped by. Before you register and start posting, please read this.

First off, check out our ROEs in the top left header bar labeled "Rules of Engagement" or click app.php/rules-of-engagement

Second, please register using your "First Last" or "Company name" for supporting vendors.

Third, If you want to sell, please see the Rules of Engagement.

Fourth, please protect yourself from spam/robots trolling the internet. When posting classifieds, instead of listing your phone as 555-123-4567, we recommend you create something hard for a robot to figure out like 5-five-5, one 2 three, 45 sixty-seven. Also, it is on you to figure out if an item for sale on LancairLive! is from an upstanding human. We do our best to keep spam and trolls out, but realize we can't catch everyone. We recommend searching N-numbers or other info to help verify someone's identity.

Lastly, thank you for joining us at LancairLive! As the communication arm of LOBO, we want to have a safe space where people can enjoy and share their passion for building, flying, maintaining, and modifying these awesome planes. This website is not affiliated with Lancair International and is run by enthusiasts associated with LOBO. Thank you for being part of this community!